
Current Projects

Positionality in HCI

I am currently working with Dylan Doyle-Burke and Dr. Bryan Semaan on a qualitative analysis of positionality statements on papers published in primarily CHI and CSCW. We are hoping to establish more norms and establish patterns of how, when, and why authors write them.

Socio-Computational Ecosystem of Immigrants

This work aims to understand the information and communication technology usage of immmigrants in the United States, especially during their immigration and naturalization process, to understand how to design better technical ecosystems for societal newcomers.

Past Projects

“Tourism Gives an Image of the Mess”: The Relation Between Tourism and Local Society in Maranhão, Brazil

This research focused on how top-down governmental toruism policies impacted local culture and society on a rural population in Maranhão, Brazil. After conducting semi-structured interviews, I find that tourism has both negative and positive impacts on this society, and I offer policy recommendations to help better integrate and advocate for local culture.